Working Group for Cardiovascular Nurses
and Allied Professionals


How to become a member?

Anybody who is trained in nursing, in the medical-therapeutic or medical-technical field and is interested in cardiovascular care and therapy can apply for the membership.


Working Group for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals (AG-KAPT) of SSC: Articles as of 2021 (PDF)


Membership must be applied for by sending the application form to the board (
The latter decides about admission. Members have a right to vote at the General Assembly of the AG-KAPT.

Adress Changes

Please report address changes by sending the filled Address Change Form to !

Terminating the Membership

Please fill the Contact Form and send it to !

Data protection notice

By submitting the completed application/address change/contact form, you agree that AG-KAPT may store and save your submitted personal data temporarily or permanently until revoked (email inbox/member database at secretariat). Your personal data will only be used for the purpose of activities and correspondence within the AG-KAPT as well as the umbrella organization SGK. The data is not publicly viewable and will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. You can cancel your membership with AG-KAPT at any time and request the deletion of your personal data.

D.S. 09.08.2023